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           The History and the Present

History hasn't always been favorable to Lithuania's and other royal dynasties. Republican eighteenth and nineteenth century’s revolutions overthrew a number of European monarchies. In many countries social revolts of the twentieth century brought communist regimes to power. However, Lithuania did not follow.In 1918, July 11 the main and the only Lithuanian Government body - the State Council - led by Antanas Smetona chose constitutional monarchy regime to be the best for its native land and voted for Gediminaičiai, Jagiellonian dynasty descendant,  the Duke Wilhelm von Urach, Count Württemberg to become the King of Lithuania. He agreed to be crowned and took the name Mindaugas II. His wife, Princess Amalie (1865-1912) of Bavaria, also had Lithuanian blood - came from Radvila family of Biržai-Dubingiai branch and had dynastic ties with Lithuanian Princess of Liudvika Karolina Radvilaitė.
Prior to the global
financial crisis of 2007–2010 and now in its aftermath, Lithuania has one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union. Today, not only ideological monarchists, but a number of the country's patriots, public leaders and policy-makers believe, increasingly, that the pretender to the throne may return independent Lithuania to the prosperous European monarchy’s family, help to strengthen the state. Lithuania is a member of NATO, the Council of Europe, and the European Union. Currently, the  Lithuanian monarchists invest a lot in informing the society more on the true benefits of constitutional monarchy which is the symbol of social and relative economic stability

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